December 2019 - Rounding off a fantastic year.
As 2019 comes to an end, we look back at what's happened this month and what to look forward to in the new year.

As for many others, our December was dominated by the General Election; but we got up to lots of other fun as well! We challenged our members to guess each other's baby photos and debuted the first episode of our tea-based talk show, 'Spilling the Tea'.
We rounded off this season of LSTV Live with a fantastic Christmas special, featuring many Christmas themed games and a performance of our newly composed LSTV Christmas carol. You can watch the whole show here.

As campaigning for the general election came to the end, we were able to speak to many of the candidates standing in Leeds.
In collaboration with Leeds Student Radio, we broadcasted from 10:00pm to 9:00am live from Leeds University Union and the count at the First Direct Arena. We covered the results and the stories of the night as they came in as well as doing some election and Christmas themed fun and games! You can watch our coverage here.

On the subject of Christmas, we were lucky enough to win 2 awards at the annual LUU Christmas office decoration competition: the Best Presentation award and the Nick Knowles 60 Minute Makeover award. We put together a video to show how we did it to boot!
As the New Year approaches so does NaSTA season. We'll be putting together our entries for the awards in Salford in April 2020. It's great time to get involved and make something you're really proud of. Last year we had a great time in Nottingham, picking up 4 awards and beating GUST in the annual football match.
If you want to get involved in the society, join our members' page to keep updated with everything that's going on here.
Wishing you a Happy New Year from everyone at LSTV!
Important NaSTA dates for January and February:
- 10th January - Proposal deadline.
- 13th – 19th January - Planning week.
- 20th – 26th January - Filming week.
- 27th January – 2nd February - Edit week.
- 2nd February - Internal submissions deadline.
Words by Dan Phillips